Since my last post, Lara and I both completed another half marathon. The event was fun but the race itself seemed harder than any of my previous half marathons. I actually asked myself if I would finish and for the first time had doubts that I could. I kept thinking what Dean Karnazes reminded all the runners and walkers the previous day that no matter how much pain we were in we should keep going one step at a time. I asked myself why was I willingly putting myself through this misery. Long story short, I completed the race one step at a time just about 3 minutes slower than the SF marathon half a few months before. A few hours after completing the race, I came down with the flu. Lara also checked her Garmin and realized we had gained nearly 1000 feet of elevation over the course of 13.1 miles more than even in San Francisco. I breathed a sigh of relief that between getting sick and not knowing it and the extra elevation gain that I was working harder than ever. I felt an extra sense of accomplishment. If half marathons were always easy, I would probably get bored pretty quickly!
So, four half marathons later and a number of smaller races later, I ask myself, "What next?" After thinking through this carefully, I realized I don't always have to have a big race to train for to reach my goals. The day to day process of staying healthy and exercising is accomplishment in itself. I will be participating on a relay team in an upcoming marathon but after that I am allowing myself the pleasure of just enjoying walking and getting fit and healthy for a while. I know I will do another half marathon in the spring as I continue on my journey but I look forward to a break from serious training to going back to the roots of my interest in walking and just enjoy the process. It is through this realization that I truly know my commitment to walking and health is a lifelong commitment!
I wish all of you well as you continue your journeys too! I look forward to sharing even just the little things as I keep moving forward one step at a time!